TEL +34930157228 | +34655634882


We have listed the most common questions asked by our clients. If you don’t find the answer, you can send us a message from the contact page or call us at 93 015 7228 or 655634882.

We will be very pleased to contact you.

Do I have to leave a deposit to pick up the vehicle?

YES, a deposit fee should be made starting at 200 € which we will temporarily block from your credit or debit card.

What documentation do I need to rent a vehicle?

Valid ID or passport and Spanish or international driver’s license valid in Spain.

Is there a minimum age required for driving?

You can drive any Noguecar vehicle from the age of 21 plus a minimum of 2 years old on your driver’s license.

What does the vehicle insurance include?

All of our cars are fully covered, franchised, and include partial collision coverage (CDW), personal accident insurance (PAI) and liability insurance (TPL).

What damages are not covered by the insurance policy?

Damage to wheels, tires, moons, locks and under. Damage to the vehicle and to third parties due to negligence, loss or damage, wrong refueling.

Can I book delivery car service to my door?

YES. We will take the vehicle where you need it. Ask for more information and delivery areas at our office.

How do I make my reservation?

You can pre-book through this website, select the dates to see what vehicles are available, select model, extras and we will email you with a custom made budget.

Other ways to make your reservation:

Phone +34 93 015 72 28 or +34 655 63 48 82

Whatsapp  +34 655 63 48 82

We will be happy to help you

Can I cancel my reservation?

Yes. If you cancel before 48 hours from the date of delivery of the vehicle, there will be no charge. Otherwise the cancellation charges will have to be paid which are 30% of the total amount of the reservation.

Ways to cancel your reservation:


Phone +34 93 015 72 28 ó +34 655 63 48 82

Whatsapp  +34 655 63 48 82

We will be happy to help you.

Noguecar - Sitges